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wickstrom update 7/23

Dear Friends for Congo,

    When I last wrote, I described my upcoming trip, including celebrating Executive Minister of Serve Globally, Grace Shim’s first visit to Congo, my anticipated work with the CEUM department heads, and my hope to visit Bokada, Goyongo, and Bosobolo

    Grace’s visit was warmly welcomed as symbolic of the continuing strong relationship between the Covenant and the CEUM.  Here is a photo of President DUALE presenting her a gift.  

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    In May that relationship was further strengthened when president DUALE was welcomed to Chicago by Covenant president Tammy Swanson-Draheim.  In 

addition to more formal responsibilities, he and wife Josephine managed a few church visits like this one outside of Washington, DC. 

    My work with the CEUM department heads went relatively well, but technology issues in Congo forced me to bring home more than a dozen project proposals that needed to be put into a fully comprehensible format.  After a flurry of email correspondence and some long hours in front of the computer, I was able to present a package to President DUALE at the

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beginning of May.  He, in turn, submitted a dozen of the project proposals to Serve Globally on May 23.  These projects affect every aspect of CEUM ministry 

    My visit to Bokada and Goyongo was short but I believe that it was an encouragement to those who serve in that backwater of the CEUM.  I only regret that I was unable to speak more individually with many.  For example, I was able to meet with the seminary students at Goyongo, but only in the presence of their professors, making it difficult for them to speak as openly as they might  

have under other circumstances.  God protected us as we crossed bridges that should have been avoided and we only got stuck once on the way home.

    I returned home the first of April.  In April and part of May I worked on the project proposals and in the background to facilitate President DUALE’s visit.  I made trips to Grand Rapids, MI, to Clear Lake, WI and Minneapolis, MN, to Youngstown, OH, and to Des Moines, IA (with several side trips along the way).  Then on June 8, I flew to Portland, OR for a public administration conference, to visit several Covenant churches, and to spend time with family.  June  19, I flew on to central California where I spent time visiting my newest grandchild (Isabel Ruth) and my parents.  Then I flew to southern California for the Covenant Annual Meeting and finally made it home early in the morning on July 3.

After long hours of preparation, we had the fun of hosting a Matson Family reunion at our home, beginning July 12.  That meant that all of our children were home - along with Cheryl’s brothers and their families.  The last guest left this morning (July 31).

     I praise God for each of you who care about Congo.  My support level is still less than ideal,

but God has a way of providing all that I need.  Indeed, I praise God for limitations, for they bring meaning to our lives.       


Don’t forget my archives at:

Yours in Christ,

Craig M. Wickstrom

❏    Praise God for a wonderful family time with all four of our kids and grandkids and Cheryl’s brothers and their families.
❏    Praise God that the president’s truck was finally delivered to the CEUM.  Raising $85,000 for this project was not easy for the CEUM.
❏    Please pray that planning and preparations for my September and November Congo trips would go well.


Checks payable to “Evangelical Covenant Church” may be sent to:


Serve Globally
P.O. Box 773420
Chicago, IL  60677-3420
(Memo: “Wickstrom Support - Congo")

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